How To Teach Yoga To Teenagers And Customize Your Class
Teaching yoga to teenagers has several benefits. Since the adolescent years are challenging years, both emotionally and physically, for youngsters, yoga can help restore inner peace, instill confidence and encourage physical fitness among teenagers. It is good for helping with hormonal imbalances and it also is excellent for prying kids away from video games.
When instructing yoga to teenagers, it is necessary for instructors to know its specific health and fitness benefits. All in all, these benefits help teens to lead balances, healthy and happy lives, making yoga an essential component in their exercise regimen. Remember also to use examples that kids can relate to during the relaxation periods. Talking about peer pressure, ways to relax test anxiety and other relevant events in teenagers' lives makes sense to them. For an adult class, you would be best using examples related to workplace stress and dealing with family life.
Doing as little as fifteen minutes of yoga each day can help teens improve their overall level of fitness. Because yoga largely involves controlled breathing, it increases a teenager's lung capacity and improves overall blood circulation. This results in optimized bodily functions, including better immunity, better body posture, and increased energy levels. Also, since yoga largely involves extensions, stretches and bends, it helps young people build up toned, fit bodies pranayama for concentration and memory.
Teaching yoga to teenagers encourages students to focus better, thus it improves concentration and memory skills. With academics playing such a major part in a student's life, teenagers can actually leverage well-executed yoga poses to increase their memory and focus during classes. Instructing teens on how to maintain challenging yoga poses builds concentration, and even helps curb possible behavioral problems.
Yoga can help teens better manage the physical and emotional hurdles of this phase in their lives. With regular practice, yoga can actually help teens increase their self-esteem. What's more, being in a yoga class with other teens can help young people develop a positive self-image. Use visualization techniques to help teens create positive directions for themselves.
Yoga helps teenagers to deal with the many academic and social pressures of high school and adolescence years. It also helps prevent students from falling into anxiety disorders and nervous breakdowns. This is because regular yoga practice teaches teenagers how to achieve an inner sense of calm. When they are calm, teens are more apt to make clear decisions.
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