Yoga and the Actual Worldwide Economic Collapse

We are all facing such a tremendous changes nowadays. One thing is true: we all change despite our beliefs, perception and/or thoughts. There are changes, cycles, and patterns which range as fast as of that of 7-8 weeks embryo's heart: hundreds of beats per minutes, even faster! Not to even mention that table you are seeing now, the chair, shelf, etc, that "thing" that looks like a "fixed" thing, is constantly changing at a tremendously fast pace also. We are not even noticing those changes at all due to its vibration speed "sensed" by our human eyes but as a renown sage of the previous 20th century said: The main foundation of the visible is the invisible... therefore so many things happen in front of us but we cannot definitely notice them due to the lack of development of our senses, our senses cannot grasp those things, well they can but just 4%!
One of the megatrends that define a culture according the actual world wide panorama is called Economy, unfortunately for quite a lot of people and highly fortunately for a few rich ones, economical trends outline human life in all its ways. This is because our world is immersed in a "almost-wrong" way to see what is 'real': without material things and money human beings cannot simply be happy.
The center and main foundation of all these trends is the behind the scenes philosophy that constantly orient and redefine thousands times over and over the world we have in front of us, which is born in our brain, mind, me...), so if we can see beyond that 4% and we can at last focus on other wider parameters, spreading that sight can take many many years unless we start a proper training of ourselves directed by experienced people in that field. What we can say so far is those "unitary production costs", say, human beings, the people, you and me, are the most intelligent strategy to follow in these moments where we apparently see all is "collapsing" and "economies breakdown" are the top of the topics.
What cannot be understood is how come those intellectual people, our "leaders" most of them coming from prestigious business school cannot even grasp that simple approach or even more how can not they research in systematically and scientific way these posings and set this out? And it's so because they cannot even realize certain facts just with their actual senses full of intellectual patterns, worries, stress, frustration, unhappiness, junk foods and depression.
One thing is clear: If I am OK you are Ok, the thing is clear for many of us: What you want for me is always what I want for you. It is like a boomerang, we are all trapped in this thread named world, we all affect the others one way or another, we are all part of this bio sphere where we are all connected, I always think our beloved World Wide Web (Internet) is a prehistorical primitive and very archaic way how the world counteract within its parts. We human being are like a dispositive, there are so many things inside of us that require our analysis in a very intelligent way, we are not just a body, we are also mind, brain, emotions, intellect, energy, we are spirit, by spirit I mean we are more than body, we are souls, not that "soul" mentioned in dogmatic religions, but "something" such as body or mind itself or similar what Quantum physics are stating lately.
We are divine gypsies experiencing mortal dreams as humans, the main reason for us to be here on earth is to go back to those realms and the first gate to cross by is being in peace, which brings forth harmony, then love and truth among other beautiful feelings deeply rooted inside of us. Yoga is like a tool, a technique, a plan or a way to go back to our own nature, that nature is a divine hidden treasure.
Yoga and its millenary techniques can bring us that inner peace we are all longing for, all this by simply training, reconditioning, detoxifying, cleaning and purifying our body and mind allowing our true nature which is our own soul: ever new bliss, happiness, joy, love, etc come out in a natural way. One of those very important techniques is called Mantra Yoga Meditation, it is a simple technique that can be learned in such a short time, it takes no more than 60 mns to learn it, it is the best recommended way our "soul" comes out through the gates of the body, mind, intellect, emotions, purifying, detoxifying, cleaning and reconditioning them in the mean time. Its daily practice require only 30 mns. in the morning and 30 mns. in the afternoon, same way we need a program to loose weight or gain spectacular muscles by proper training importance of yoga wikipedia.
It is highly scientifically demonstrated as we can read in many sources such as Time Magazine, Newsweek, Harvard Business Review, Harvard Medical School, Stanford Business School, etc, that during the practice of Meditation the consumption of oxygen is reduced in a significant way as well as the oxidize of carbon, the heart and respiratory rates, while it grows and the resistance of the skin is developed, they have also discovered that meditation reshape the brain, create new cells and enhance our entire system.
The metabolic rate of the body is reduced remarkably, conserving the normal balance of oxygen and oxidize of carbon. This physiological evidence suggests that the body reaches a deep state of rest, whereas the inner Self spirit is wide-awake as it demonstrates the personal experience. It can be easily inferred that the subtlest states of thought and the changes that correspond to that refinement of the mental activity is reflected in the body of those who practices it regularly. This state is physiological, psychic, neurological and socially exceptional.
Mantra Yoga Meditation and its daily practice help us: How to eliminate psychosomatic disorders, Developing of a real inner state of stability and well-being, True peace and tranquility, disappearance of sentimental problems, regeneration from nervous breakdown and stress problems, Adaptation and understanding of others, Increase in the security of personal confidence, development of all levels of individual conscience, annihilating of depressive states, how to obtain a creativity that allows to solve all type of problems, crimes and negative behavior, which is the cause of the dissatisfaction of human beings, accomplishment of the highest education ideals, Improvement the memory and the concentration, purification of the nervous system, solving drug problems, tobacco and alcohol, stead fast solutions of economics and sociocultural problems of the world, accomplishment of the main spiritual objective of the world, simple things such as how to sleep well, how to relax, etc
The Combined mental and physical effects of Mantra Yoga Meditation are unique, because they entail to a fourth state of greater conscience of the Being, that is as natural as the other three states: Awake, Sleep and Deep Dreaming. Those experiences, their benefits and many others are established immediately in the course of that state of suspension of the transformation of the thinking principle. Solitude, anguish and daily preoccupations constitute the secret life of the man: but regardless of how far one how one goes away, it is not possible to be released one's self, therefore what start as an individual problem gathers to another problem therefore there is a BIG problem in front of us then! world wide peace cannot exist without individual peace, Yoga is a very wonderful option. The sooner we start our personal training the better for us and the world.
Yoga has to be learned by serious and highly trained people but very important has to be learned from a good Master or Guru, you must be careful not to learn yoga from just 'any' source, those sources are usually merely business oriented DVD's, etc. Swami Guru Devanand Saraswati Ji Maharaj was one of the most interesting personages of the 20th century who belonged to the very renown and famous Yoga Masters lineage located in the very core of ancient India, that place where that Master was trained are the very roots where Yoga was born, he was a sage whose work can be seen in the whole world especially the Americas hemisphere, the fruits of that work can also be seen in many generations since 60's, his main mission was to teach us how to feed well (he was a pioneer on introducing the concept of vegetarianism, yoga and natural living in America, when it was such a big shocking surprise not eating meat at all!), how to contact our true own source of real happiness, how to eliminate stress, depression among other teachings.
I truly believe if any sphere, stage, social status, economical level of our world such as business people, entrepreneurs, housewives, carpenters, teachers, shoe polishers, politicians, sales people, nuns, nurses, children, young and old people, everybody include the practice of Yoga and very important, the practice of Meditation in their lives, the whole world panorama would change dramatically, these teachings are not religious teachings, this means that any person of any race, creed or religion needs not to leave her church, temple or mosque to practice Meditation. All you need is to integrate this practice to your daily life.
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