How To Prepare For The Peacock Pose
Also known as Pinch Mayurasana, the peacock pose is a challenging arm balance that can be done at the wall. To master it you need to have flexibility of the upper back muscles. You also need to have upper body strength. To do the pose you need to have a yoga mat, belt and strap how to do mayurasana step by step . Once you have these things you should now start preparing for the full peacock pose. The best way of preparing for the asana is by ensuring that you create flexibility in the trapezius, rhomboids, lattisimus, and back muscles. Here you need to use a folding chair. You should place your chair on your yoga mat and then kneel in front of the chair while interlacing your hands and placing them on the chair. You should then move your knees back until your back is in a straight line. While pressing the outer edges of your hands and arms into the chair, you should move your shoulder blades towards your waist and as a result create flexibility in the upper back. Once you h...